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I have everything

happiness is something that people find in differt things but i don`t understand how can i find happiness for my self, i don`t know what is the cost of happiness,i have everything that a person can ask, nevr had ny probs with ny things don`t have 2 ask 4 ny thing 2 aqny one, but than to have many grief in my heart.

people seems 2 be fake but don`t know y 4 me i feel like my life it self is fake 2 me,i don`t trust ny one, i don`t like being in group, i can`t stand everyones company, i was never like this , i use 2 love my life, i was joyful i use 2 make people laugh and always use 2 spred colours but don`t konw what doin in my mind?? don`t know what is the wrong in this life ?? can `t understand my self.

i have everything but still i do miss something in me...i my self feel incomplete don`t have ny vison how can i complete my self,i keep my self busy in work and i foget tghe problems but as i get free for a sec i get distracted to something what makes my sad :( don`t have ny reason don`t have ny one 2 blame but don`t now what is the solution need some thing but don`t know what, how..?? in life it seems like i don`t have ny motive don`t have any aim its juz like im living my life 4 the sake living as diying is nt so simple....!!

im nt depressed i do take challenges , i do work i full fill all my and my close ones need but don`t nkow what some people want frm me that im unable 2 give as my life still feels so incomplete. I m nt the one who gives up but the problem is i don`t know my problem, im ready 2 fight but i don`t know my enemy, i m ready 2 walk on the road of fire but don`t have a vison 2 c the road. I might sound like a confused person but i really feel very much incompete and useless because i don`t nkow what i want, i don`t know what i should do 2 my self.......

there are people who don`t have job don`t have capeblites don`t have money don`t have supporting people don`t have loving family butstill they don`t luk like me empty, I have everything supporting people,loving family, gud job but still i have ntg ....

i don`t owe ny thing 2 ny one, i have no debts on ny one m free frm the problems, i don`t fight i don`t abusse, i don`t even hurt ny one intetionaly but still i always feel my self hurt ( my friends call me RR thats roti rand crying protitute who cries when she gets fuck and also cry when she don`t get fucked) well i do think now that they are right after all i have every thing perfect but stilli call my self in pain, hurted, empty...incomplete don`t now y but im incomplete becasue of something that something is never gonna be mine and seems like life is always gonna take one most adicted thing of our frm us so that v don`t get complete hapiness n thats what i feel 4 my self incomplete...

i don`t belive in giving up, but what can i do in this case where i my self have no idea what m i dealing with, i have faith in god i have faith in myself but what should i do 4 this thime which is killing me within and changing me 4 the worse 4 me and 4 others, I myself can make out that what i was b4 and what m i now... i don`t consider myself as a evil this days as i don`t c any good work done by me , i don`t get any good thoughts in my mind, all i have in emptyness and loneleyness in my mind and in my life what i have never choosed 4 my self...

all i want is 2 get rid of this lonleyness and emptyness of mine iw anna live my life like what i have dreamed 4, to have a great family, good freinds, an good life partner and A aim 2 help others who are some or how connected 2 our life because its useless to live in a castale alone than to live in a small with lovedones.....

i always had one one dream that is to help others and to support everyone and 2 become an ideal human b4 i die...

i want my close ones 2 be happy, i want my freinds 2 get success, my family to be in bond, my world in peace and my life itself will be an complete but don`t know how don`t know when don`t know what is the problem......??

i love 2 c beauty in everything but don`t know where i have lost my beauty of luking things in a graceful manner coz this is nt me who writes this depressing and loosers words ... but yes this is true that i my self don`t know who m I....??


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