Love Stories @ RomanceClass - i met this guy that automatically took my heart to wonderland My mom alwaysz used to say watch who you give youer heart to. and i did. very carefully until i met this guy that automatically took my heart to wonderland. we met at the arcade while he wass playingg this game....he didnt see me but just there and then i knew it was him. he was the one. when he did see me he said hi and told me his name. we started talking and laterr when he walked me home he just gave me a kiss like naturally and when i went at home i found a note in my pocket. i guess he must have slipped it when he kissed me because it said 'first time i ever saw this girl i fell in love with her beautiful emerald eyes' thats my eyecolor !!! im so happy and since then we were officially a couple :P Love-O-Meter 3.67 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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