Love Stories @ RomanceClass - First, I did not feel the power of her presence to me First, I did not feel the power of her presence to me. Like anybody she said hello to me. We smiled at each other. Our talk ranged from love, family and God. She was a happy lady with her husby and two children. But then, she preferred to sit besides me, talk to me. Slowly, she started making unusual phone calls just to say hello and express care. At this point I started enjoying her feel. I was waiting for her calls. Any ring tone of my mobile would expect her voice. Any of her sight would give me bliss. Any of her thought would be a tonic of the day. The first, second and every thought of the day was about her. Truly I spent many nights sleepless. Both of us, I am sure, were feeling this is not right. Probably both of us started feeling things going out of control. Suddenly one day she told me. You are of my father’s age! This is not a suddenly known fact. This is known to both of us in the beginning and always. And then, on she struggled to create a gap. Even me. But this is a Herculean task. Both of are reeling under severe stress. In fact when I probed into the whole matter, I am happy at her sight as anybody would be happy at the sight of Taj, at the sight of a full moon sitting in beach, happy at the smile of a sleeping baby. And I said to myself. True love is selfless. It has no age. It’s divine. It doesn’t seek ownership but knows only friendship. She is a flash in my life, and flashes will not last longer. Love-O-Meter ![]() 1.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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