Love Stories @ RomanceClass - just call me rose and my partner is prince does age really matter? just call me rose and my partner is prince... i'm 24 year old lady and was fall in love to a 15 year old boy.. he is actually a 4th year student. and about to go in college next school year.. 9 years is our age gap if im not mistaken... we first met through my cousin his classmate. me and my cousin went to a mall to watch "Twilight Eclipse".. Prince went to watch with her gf.. and after the movie Prince texted my cousin if he can join us. and my cousin ask if he can join us because her gf left already i dunno exactly where the girl went.. and i said yeah sure.. that moment me and my cousin were eating in Mcdonald's when Prince arrived. my cousin introduced him to me and i said nice meeting you.. i took their orders and we ate together. after that day long time we did'nt see each other.. one night i went to our church to have a music practice when my cousin told me to come in our church with Prince that was a rainy night. and i said ok u come.. they came and thatw was the time again we saw each other.. till such time i took his mobile number.. constant texting and i invite him to come in the church to attend our divine service every sunday. and of course he never fail to come and join us to worship our living God. i am a worship leader in our church. and i am now a youth leader.. since prince was gifted a talent in singing i asked him to once present a special number for the Lord.. and he sing the song "MIGHTY TO SAVE" by "HILLSONG".. praise God because he is now using his voice to glorify God's name... me and prince became bestfriends.. with a brother-sister relationship too.. we text all day long non-stop... even he has classes in school he never stopped texting me.. and then we knew and learn things about each other.. we call each other "beshe or besh" since we were bestfrends that time.. as days goes by i noticed his sweetness his efforts.. and it really make me weak.. I EASILY GET INTO FALLING IN LOVE FOR A VERY SWEET GUY.. and he is the one... i just ignore my feelings at first.. but my feelings really grow stronger.. until such time OMG i'm afraid because i'm falling.. and until such time that i know and pretty sure i caught myself loving him already,.. thats too stupid loving a fifteen year old boy... every night im crying because i dont want him to know about my feeling because he might be irritated and suddenly left me.... my feelings are really bad until such time i cant stop myself and just surprisely express him my feelings i told him i love him more than bestfriends.... at first he ignores me... i was hurt but still the friendship go stronger and stronger... we became more closer yet he knows that i love him so much more than a friend could ever give.. and one time one of my closest cousin ask him "DID YOU LOVE ROSE BEYOND FRIENDSHIP?" and he said yes.. i found myself loving her beyond friendship... i love her because of her own ways... and my cousin told me about their conversation... and then i was shocked. i cant imagine and believe this little boy prince will be falling in love to me... and since im so curious i never hesitate to asked him about their conversation with my cousin... and he told me yes i'd loved you beyond friendship but i'm afraid what if i lose you? what if we broked up? our age? and i told him "PRINCE AGE IS JUST A NUMBER THAT YOU ARE COUNTING EVERY YEAR" but "LOVE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT OF OUR RELATIONSHIP RIGHT NOW" "IF YOU LOVE ME, THEN LOVE ME WITHOUT HESITATION AND QUESTION" and he told yes i love you since he knows i love him too he automatically asked me what is our status now? and i told him if you are sure with what you feel "THEN WE CAN START OUR RELATIONSHIP AS BOYFRIEND AND GIRLFRIEND FROM NOW ON OCTOBER 21, 2010" im so happy that moment... my prayers were granted..AND GOD IS REALLY GOOD... i was praying for this for how many years.. to God give me a good person a loving person who will not cheat me anymore.. and he give me this innocent boy my PRince.. we never care for the people around us... because we really love each other.. now we go in our church worshipping God together... he never think like 15year old boy he is mature enough to be my boyfriend... we can do everything a boyfriend and girlfriend can do,.. we even do sex or love making... but i dont care for me its not bad.. its how we show love with each other... i dont want hm to forget me.. i will give all the happiness he deserves for he is a very honest and loving and sweet boyfriend... last sunday november 21, 2010 we celebrate our 1st monthsary we watched HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS 7... we spend our time being together.. we didnt waste every single moment... as of now i can say that AGE DOESNT MATTER AND ITS JUST REALLY A NUMBER... LOVE CONQUERS ALL, LOVE IS SACRIFICE, LOVE WILL NEVER BE JUDGEMENTAL.. AND LOVE NEVER LOOK INTO THE IMPERFECTIONS... I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER FOR GIVING PRINCE IN MY LIFE... HE CHANGES MY LIFE AND I WILL LOVE HIM FOREVER I WILL LOVE HIM IN EVERY SINGLE BREATH... THANK YOU LORD.. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 5.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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