Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
Back in March

Well it all began back in march of 2010. I started talking to this boy name Thomas and we started to date, but we always argued constantly and his best friend Juan became my best friend and was always there for me! Me and thomas didn't last very long, but me and Juan instantly clicked more once Thomas was outta the picture. Towards summer like April me and Juan started feeling more and more for each other. And we hung out everyday!!!! He asked me out 6-4-10 by taking me on this yacht and we sailed on River in Virginia. And got me all these roses and a Key Neckalce and he said "will you have the key to my heart" and of course I said yes!!! We've been inseparable since. The amazing thing is that we haven't gotten into a argument yet (knock on wood) and were always together. I mean always. You can say we live at each others houses. My mom and dad absolutely love him and his mom calls me her daughter, which I wouldn't want it any other way! Girls try to really get at him all the time. Its crazy, well I wouldn't blame them. Juan is Puerto Rican and is just the cutest thing ever, and when he talks to me in spanish its just to die for. I can really see us together in the future for sure! I love you babe! 6-4-10


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