Love Stories @ RomanceClass - I was too young to have a baby A story of young love. I was 14 at the time and it was my first year of highschool. All of this begun in the 2nd week of school. I met T.C. in my 7th period english class thru a friend who had mentioned to him that I thought he was cute.I didn't know she told him that. But he decided to ask me for my ph# to call me sometime. Well that same day he called after school and that's when it started. He began to wait for me after class and walk me to the next,we began to go out on the weekends on the sly cause my dad didn't think I was old enough to date. We were so smitten with each other that we started skipping school alot just to be togather which caused me to flunk 9th grade and only recieve 1 credit for the school year. I didn't care cause I was in love but when school started again and it was my 2nd time in 9th grade, that's when I found out I was pregnant. I was to young to have a baby and my dad wanted me to abort the baby with one condition that I never see T.C. again. I thought about it and I could'nt kill a baby that he and I made. I know I was young(15 yrs) and he was to (16 yrs)at the time, but I had to keep my baby and face the consequences.Which T.C.thght was best and stood by my side. After my son was born we had a lot of downs and some great ups, now almost 9 yrs later we are still togather and have two wonderful sons ages 7 and 2yrs old and as for T.C. and I, we are still happily in love with each other after all this time. I thank God for blessing me w/ these men in my life and I'm so glad I didn't abort because I would of missed out on some of the best years of my life. For the the people who read this, What ever situation you find youeself in, take time to listen to your heart and it will guide you to make the right decision. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.58 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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