Love Stories @ RomanceClass - He said to be patient today i got a face book MSG from someone named john and he wanted to be friends with me, thinking i always need more friends i accepted him. after a few days i forgot, just like usual. one day after school i log in and find someone is talking to me, looking at the name i see it is john. having no clue who this boy is i open the conversation to the words hey, i say hey back and soon we get a conversation going. about how i know him, through my cousin and so on and so fourth. we talked everyday, and realized we liked the same things in common. soon he tells me he has feelings for me, and wants to date me. as a joke i said yes, and after 3 days broke up because i knew it was wrong to do that. we still stayed frineds and grew close enough to the point of msn hearts kisses and the word bebe trown around. one day he said i love you to me, and i said it bak and meant it. and things got much closer from then. but i desided i wanted to date again and asked him why he hasnt asked me out. he said to be patient and i need to hold on...i am still holdin on and we r still friends and we love eachother. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() 2.71 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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