Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Beautiful Young Love It all started on a sunny morning that Amy first came to Sir Peter Junior High School. She was 14, brunette, she was small for her age, and she had a retainer. She walked into home room, and sat near the back. As she walked to the desk, she recieved glares, and saw people gossiping. 'What a great start...' she sighed. At noon, she went for lunch. She was going to have fries and a burger, and was about to join the "Cool" table with the jocks and hotties, when someone tripped her, flinging food all over her. She went through the same thing since then, yet never skipped a whole day. And the reason was Jon Douglas. He was 14, totally hot, and single, and she knew he liked her back! But the most popular girl (Sam) constantly flirted with him! She knew she'd never have the chance... Along comes prom, and Amy sees Jon coming over. "Hi Jon." she says. "Hey, cutie. I was wondering, would you go to prom with me?" He said with a smile. She was happy. "Yes! I would LOVE it!" she said. "Okay, see you then." he said, hugging her. She walked home with a smile, thinking "This is it! :D" 3 Days Later (Prom Night) She walked in with hair in a ponytail, retainer gone, and wearing a short skirt and tube top. She looked around for Jon. Then she saw him, flirting with Sam. "The damn liar..." She was about to cry... She flopped down and burst into tears... Jon saw and walked over. "You... dirty little liar... I have some questions..." She said, dragging him outside into the rain. "Am I pretty?" She asked. "Nope." He replied. "Am I Smart?" She asked. "No." He said. "Am I a good friend?" She asked, mascara running down her face. "No!" He yelled. She was about to run when he grabbed her arm and dragged her back. "You're not pretty, you are BEAUTIFUL! You're not smart, you are intelligent! And you're not a good friend, you're amazing and I love you. Please be with me Amy. :)" He said. "I will." She said. And they walked back in. Ah, young love... Fake names, True story. -Janessa Love-O-Meter 3.56 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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