Saying Sorry @ RomanceClass -
I found out his locker number from a friend and I wrote him a nasty note.

WOW. this is it! I thought I met someone that I really had a connection will so I starting flirting alot. He was interested and asked me out. I blushed and went crazy. Me and my friends would not stop talking about it. A day before I went out with him, a bully was teasing me. I found out his locker number from a friend and I wrote him a nasty note. The next day when I went out with my crush, he showed me the note that he had found in his locker. He crumbled up the peice of paper and threw it at me. I tried to explain, but it was too late. Later the next day and ran up to him and I grabbed him by the arms. Surpried by the sudden pull, he stopped short and yelled at me. I grabbed his shoulders and faced him towards me. I told him how sorry i was and how I ment that for sombody else. Although i apoligized, he broke up with me because of the meanness of the note. We are still friends today and I am glad I was brave enough to go right up to him and apoligize.


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