Saying Sorry @ RomanceClass - Something you would read out of hustler I was dating my boyfriend for three years. We even have a daughter together (2). We were happy together, rarely fought, and there was love. I felt bored a while ago....I started emailing people while I was at work. Not very "lady like" emails either. Something you would read out of hustler. But nothing ever left the key board. Then one day, a guy caught my eye, he helped set up a stagette, (as he worked at the bar we were headig too) and he came by my office one day, and kissed me. It was a nice kiss...but I regretted it every day after. I never told my boyfriend about any of this....i was ashamed. and....he found out about the emails. I lied and lied to trry ad keep us together and to keep him from getting hurt. Now...I dont have him anymore, and he is the ONLY person I want. I wish I could say sorry and him forgive me, I love him, and would do anything to have him back. Sorry-O-Meter 1.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How much forgiveness does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Apologies
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