Saying Sorry @ RomanceClass -
She Went to College, Things Fell Apart

I had been dating the most wonderful girl in the world for almost six months and things had been going alright...

She is four hour away from me at college and she is often very busy during the week and I dont get to talk to her as much as I like...

I went down to see her this weekend and began asking her about why we didnt get to talk as much and then she told me we were all of a sudden at a different serious level.. Before she left for college we were great we loved being together he had a ton of fun and all was well...

The longer she was at college the more I was becoming an outcast in her life.. I stuck in there though and went down to see her and at least plede my case.. I did exactly that and it was hard and we were both stressed and tired while this was all happening...

I said some things I should not have said they were mean and wrong and I hurt and most important scared her... I loved this women so much she meant such a great deal in my life... All I was trying to do was fight for the women I loved instead I said things I will never regret I said things I can not take back and my actions were wrong... I still love this women with all that is in side me and I know that will not go away for some time... I have told her a million times in one day I was sorry... I have tried to get her to believe that I am the great guy she fell in love with and not the person I was on the night I this all happened.. I wish I could take it back but that is impossible.. I keep thinking I am going to wake up and it was all just a dream and everything will be fine but the truth is my heart is broken its torn apart and hanging by a thread... There are no actions or words that she will accept in order to forgive me and give me another chance when I look at it looks simple but I know it is much more complex than that... I have never cried over a girl before and I cried for 4 hours during my drive home last night and a long time while I was with her... I know crying means little but to me it means a lot because I know how much my life has just changed... I dont really know what to do next and I am worried that all is lost and I will never again have what I had...


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