Saying Sorry @ RomanceClass -
Apology poem

I am not good at writing so I hired a poet at to help me. I told them what I wanted to get across to her, and they came back with this beautiful apology poem.

If in the rain, I saw you standing there
I'd whisk you off to a sunny atmosphere
If when the moon fell from the sky
I'd get it up again to sparkle in your eye.
If I could turn time back again
I'd know you're the best ther's ever been.
I'd never let you go away.
If that was all that I could pray.
My heart broke in two the day we were through.
I should have made you stay once more,
I should have made you close the door.
I was stubborn and couldn't change
Now I have come into my age
I realize what I've lost in you.
My heart has never been so true.

I love you more than these words can say
Please don't keep your heart away.


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