I cheated on my boyfriend, any hope on getting him back

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Visitor's Question:
I was with my ex-boyfriend for almost 2 yrs. (lets call my ex Bob and the other guy Lou) Bob was away doing work and had been gone for awhile.
The story
It all started one night that I went out with friends to a bar and saw a guy (Lou) that I meet there a few weeks earlier. My friends, Lou, and I were having a good time and he asked to dance. While we were dancing he kissed me. I stopped him and told him I had a boyfriend who I loved every much. I left the bar right then and call Bob and told him what happened. He told me he was not mad or anything because he trusted me. Well I went back to the same bar the next weekend. Lou was there and I told him that he was out of line and should have never kissed me. some how he got my phone number and started calling me. He was a cool guy to talk to but nothing more. Bob ended up coming home and Lou called me one night I was with him. He though there was something wrong with that. Bob told me the only thing Lou wanted from me was ass. I didn.t believe him. Lou and I stop talking for awhile. Then maybe 3 weeks later he called. I went and hung out with him without telling bob. I thought nothing of it. On night bob and I got into a fight and I was mad so I went to Lou's house. Well one thing lead to another and I cheated on Bob. I finally told bob that i went to lou's house and he was mad. But he still trusted me. I never knew how to tell him I cheated on him. Well finally he found out and I confussed. When he found out is the day that I was going to tell him. Bob was/ is the love of my life and made me so happy. I want him back. I told him sorry over and over but I ruined it. Bob called me the first time the other day and didn't know if he wanted to be me or not. If our love was strong before this happened do you think we will have a chance again even though the trust is gone?

Our Suggestion:
Bob is the one you are going to have to ask.

Whether he is willing to try to rebuild the trust is up to him. You just need to let him know that you love him, won't cheat again, and want to regain his trust.

Since you had a strong love before it is more likely to happen.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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