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Visitor's Question:
I wrote in a few months ago about this guy I know from a bookstore. I had wanted to finally see him outside of where he works. Well, this past weekend, he finally invited me and my friend to his apartment after work. My friend couldn't join us, so it was just me and him. We had a great time! Nothing romantic happened, but I felt like we had a connection. I didn't leave his place until 4:15AM! I had told him that I would be dropping by the bookstore the next night to say goodbye (it was the end of spring break), but when my friends and I got there, he acted very strangely. Usually when I walk up to him, he looks at me and smiles until I get to him, but that night he just pretended not to notice me. He blatantly avoided me and eye contact. Later in the evening he finally loosened up, but it was still odd. After the store closed, my friends and I were talking in one of our cars but it happened to be parked next to his, so when he came out to his car, he saw us. We all started talking like normal except that he was being a little harsher than usual in the playful teasing he does with me. FInally, people had to go home, but I hung out in his car while we waited for mine to warm up. There, things started to finally be what our normal interactions are like, a.k.a. fun, easy, interesting, and sometimes personal. About 20 mintues later, we parted. Now, I am really confused. He is a really insecure guy, so the probably has a lot to do with it. Do you think he likes me as more than just a friend? What in the world is going on in that head of his?

Our Suggestion:
It's not easy to know what was going through his mind.

Here is a possibility: suppose he was hoping that you two would have a romantic evening and when you showed up with your friend it made him realize that it wasn't going to happen the way he hoped.

That's the only thing that comes to mind.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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