Flirting with Girls

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Visitor's Question:
i am one good looking and impressing but the main problem with me is whenever i come in front of girls i forget all things and become very serious or you can say depressing. I have low self esteem, tell me something often i catch girls looking at me and I understand fully that they want me to be there with em! but i always avoid it. this all is due to my low self esteem and my frightening even when i talk to my class fellow girls i can't speak well as i talk to my male class fellows.

tell me something... I am very worried

Our Suggestion:
Learning to talk with and flirt with the opposite sex is a skill like any other. You need to practice! I have tons of flirting tips here -

Start practicing regularly, and you will definitely get better at it!

--Your Friendly Advisors at

Your Advice:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This form is not for getting advice!! This form is for adding your helpful note to THIS existing question. If you need advice, pleae read the Advice Pages.

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Female | Male

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