is this wrong..

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Visitor's Question:
I have been with my boyfriend for a little over 2 months. I thought everything in our relationship was working out.. I invited him over to my house one night and he said he wasn't happy and he wasn't in love with me.. I couldn't stop crying.. He gave me all of my stuff back and I gave him all of his.. I couldn't give up on him. I kept crying and calling him all the time.. I would walk to his house which is a hour walk just to show I am willing to walk for him. even though I can drive. anyways, I called him and told him that I understood why we broke up and that I give up and that I was done calling and talking to him. I really want him back and it just seems like if I stop talking to him and leaving him be my himself that he is going to go out and forget about me. What should I do?

Our Suggestion:
You are doing the right thing by not calling him.

He needs space so that he can think things through. Wait for him to call.

If he does forget you, chalk it up to experience. After all, two months is not a long time for him to get attached to you.

Be thankful that it was not a 3 year relationship that broke up... that's really tough.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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