Is the love worth saving?

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Visitor's Question:
We hadn't known each other for long (<6mths), but the love we shared was instant. Intimate, promising, devoted, you name it, we had it. Unfortunately, our first blow also became our last. Other people and personal mistakes killed our love. We were both at fault, we both hurt each other, and we dealt with it in self-destructive ways. In the end, however, we managed to get a proper closure with sincere apologies and the word to remain friends---forgetting all that happened. We were apart for awhile. I had plenty to of time to forget him and focus on other important things in my life. But there was never a day and night when I didn't think about him, didn't miss him. I thought it was ok. As long as I cover it up pretty well in front of other people including him. I thought he was over me by now. So perhaps I only feel this way about him because I haven't met someone new. But when I did, no guy could replace him in my heart. Yes, my feelings for him are stronger than I thought. When we met again, I was careful enough to be polite and friendly. However, he was cold, weary and, boy, did his whole appearance proved it. Not once did he look me in the eyes. Back then, he couldn't get enough of them.
I wondered could it possibly be because he couldn't let go of me? Seeing me reminds him too much of our past? A rush of hopes filled my heart, calling out strong: reconciliation. I love him. I can't talk for him, but his reaction seems pretty clear: he isn't over me. Is this love worth saving then? Deep down, I've always wanted to reconcile because I believe love deserves a second chance. Or am I being unrealistic, blowing my wishful thinking out of proportion?

Our Suggestion:
Seems like there is a good chance he still cares for you.

Give it a chance. Find some way to get together... maybe even ask him out.

At least you will know the answer rather than wondering.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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