Where do I go from here?

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Visitor's Question:
I have been with my fiance for almost about a year now and I am currently pregnant with his child. We have lived together for the past 6 months. I have come to the point now that I want to leave him because he doesn't care about me anymore. There is no affection and he doesn't put in an effort towards our relationship. He disrespects me in public when we go out, he is selfish, and he makes me feel so ugly and small. Whenever I suggest we do something together he never wants to do anything, there is always an excuse with him as to why he can't take me out. We always argue and he does it so are neighbors hear what is going on. I am so tired of this I want to leave and go somewhere but I have no place to go. I have no friends and my family and I are not very close. I am thinking about going to a shelter but I dont want my baby to be born while I am there. What should I do? Please help me.

Our Suggestion:
He does not deserve you and you should leave him.

The last time you wrote in, I suggested you wait until the baby is born and then decide. But worse has gone to worse and he is not someone you want to raise your baby with.

Unfortunately you have no friends, and you didn't mention having any money. So, you must think of every relative you have from grandparents to cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. Call each of them and explain your problem. One of them might help you out.

Once you find a place to go, tell your b/f that you are going to move out and that you will be asking for child support through the courts. This may make him mad but he has to face up to the responsibility of fathering a child.

Don't give up on social services. There may be ways they can help you other than a shelter. Give them a call and ask how they can help and who you should talk to.

You are not in an easy place, but please give everyone a chance to help you.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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