How do I get him back??

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Visitor's Question:
Dear George,
My boyfriend of almost 4 years just broke up with me because he needed space and to do things on his own (he has had a very bad time the past year in school with grades), we have broken up before but its never been this serious. Its been almost 2 week since it happened,we fought alot right after he did it, and lately I have been trying to give him space and not call him its hard to adjust though because before this happened we did everything together, he was basically part of my family. We definatly have some problems to work out, such as his drinking on weekends, me being controlling, and us both being very stubborn. Even though we have problems I think that the good outweighed the bad. He told me that he needs space because we were eachothers first serious relationship. Last night he came by to drop something off and we were very friendly towards one and other, we even joked a little. We were talking to eachother as if we were together, but we aren't. All my friends have told me to just not talk to him and let him miss me, but I can't wait for him to come around on his own time, I have a Semi for my sorority in 2 weeks and I want to bring him, How do I go about getting him back in 2 weeks?? Is it wrong for me to ask him to go to a movie or initiate hanging out? Sould I tell him I sill love him or do you think that is obvious to him already and he just is focusing on himself? Lastly because we have all the same mutal friends we are going to see eachother out this weekend, whats the best way to handle that situation? thanks for your time and help xo

Our Suggestion:
Ask him to go to the semi with you as a friend only.

I'm sure you have made it clear to him that you still love him. You don't need to keep reminding him. Just saying you miss him every so often will make sure he still gets the message.

Take advantage of your mutual friends to show him a cheerful face which you seem to have done before when he came over. That's a very good thing to do.

It won't hurt to go without calling him in general as it will make him miss you. But don't go overboard so that he feels isolated from you.

Ask if you can call every two weeks for 15 mins to see how he is doing. That may strike him as too little contact and he will stretch out the convo.

Hope some of this helps! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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