personal experience----falling for man

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Do you have some advice for this person?

Visitor's Question:
Throughout my life i have seen alot of domestic violence towards wemon. The man i am begining to know well has no signs of violence but how do I know for shure he is trust worthy? It is one of my biggest fears for me to end up in a bad relationship like that.

Our Suggestion:
If you know any of his ex's you could ask them about it.

Otherwise, you will have to ask him how close he has come to verbal, emotional, or physical abuse in his life. If he is honest, you will find out by asking.

There is no way to find out for sure except to wait and see.

Good luck and Happy Holidays! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This form is not for getting advice!! This form is for adding your helpful note to THIS existing question. If you need advice, pleae read the Advice Pages.

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