Friends with his Sister

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Visitor's Question:
I've liked this guy for a while, but in that time, I've coincidentally gotten to be friends w/ his sister. We're not really close (the sister and I), but we hang out a lot. Lately, I've noticed that when I look up, I catch him looking right in my eyes, and he seems to always try and make small talk, even when we can't really talk. Does this mean he likes me?

Our Suggestion:
Yes, if he actively talks to you, he likes you :) Otherwise he'd just go up to his room and avoid you guys when you were over. You have it easy since you have an excuse to be over there all the time. So suggest that the three of you go out and do something! Does your friend have a boyfriend? If so, suggest that you all go out to the movies or something just as friends. If things work out with you and him, soon the friendship will become more involved :)

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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