He's acting strange

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Visitor's Question:
Hello Helper,

I am in a situation with my male best friend. We recently told one another that we have feelings for each other... I think we are close to say "I love you". Here is the story, He and I are definitely connected. When I get a headache, he has one. When I am angry, so is he. When I am in the mood to have sex, so is he. Its crazy, but I know for a fact that he loves me. Anyways, I asked him why he haven't asked me out... turns out that he "doesn't want to ruin something that is perfect and stable". It's understandable since we've known one another for almost five years, but I also told him that no matter what happens, I'll still be there for him and that's a promise.
Ever since we have open up, he is a li'l distant from me. We'll talk for 15 minutes instead of hours and hours and hours like we normally do... you think he doesn't want us to be close so we donot risk our friendship or perhaps he is afraid of the outcome will be?

Thank you for taking your time to read this letter :-)

Our Suggestion:
Give this some time and things will return to normal.

Five years is a long time and he won't discard that just because he may feel uncomfortable with what you said.

You might want to let him know that you have no intention of becoming clingy.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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