i dont know if i want to

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Visitor's Question:
My girlfriend and i hav been goin out for 11 months and we have been through a lot together. i hav been there for her and her for me. i keep thinkin about breaking up but i dont know if i really want to do it. i have been thinkin bout it for a month or so. i dont want to hurt her cuz she reaally likes me and i dont want to hurt her. what do i do? i am 15 and my girlfriend is turning 15 in june.

Our Suggestion:
Think about it until you are very sure one way or the other.

If you decide to break up with her, do it in person when you have some time to talk. Tell her as specifically as you can why you are making the decisions and let her know that you would be willing to answer any further questions she has. Let her know that you really enjoyed the relationship and her a lot but things changed. If you don't know why things changed, tell her that too.

Ask her if you can still be friends (if that's what you want.)

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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