i want him back

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Visitor's Question:
i was with my ex for over a year and 4months he ended it right before our ayear and 5th month, he said that his feelings had changed for me,and he still likes me a little bit but not enough to go out with me,we had our ups and downs,but towards the end it was more downs then ups,i never appreciated what he did for me i always wanted more,but now hes gone ive relsied how cruel i was,and love him more then ever and what him back,but he enjoys the single life atm,he dont want a realtionship at all not even with other girls,but i want to try and show him that i would do anything for him and do little things that in time gets his feelings back for me,what tips could you give that i could do to show him who i rele am?and what can i do to win his heart back?he gave me a chance to show him but i found out he was talking to a girl who nearly spilt us up,so i shouted at him,and now he said he dont want a gf at all,the i kept asking him the more it pissed him off so ive stoped asking now,but i need tips to do little things so he notices and gets his feelings back please help

Our Suggestion:
You want to do small things to attract his attention and then convince him you have changed.

The small things you can do included take good care of your physical self: keep your hair pretty and smelling good, dress nicely, have good personal hygience (fingernails, washing, teeth, breath, etc.), keep yourself physically fit. Also show some intellectual interest in life... read a book, newsmagazine, daily paper, learn a new language. Be social: participate in or follow sports, volunteer at a hospital or home for the aged, hang out with friends.

You probably do most of these, but don't underestimate their importance. He will notice for sure.

Then when you have his attention, take advantage of it by using three important aspects of a relationship: communications, compassion, and affection. Communicating is just talking about everyday happenings that you think he will find interesting. Get him talking about his family, friends, pets, hobbies etc. Then compassion is sharing emotions. Let him know how you feel about things... try to keep them mostly pleasant until you are back together. Get him to talk about his feelings too. Finally affection--this is simple-- smiling, laughing, complimenting, hugging, touching, and being fun.

If you find you are having trouble contacting him, ask him if you could talk once a week just to catch up. Keep the conversation short so he doesn't feel pushed. See if he will go out with you as friends as a start.

Some of this should help.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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