her friends

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Visitor's Question:
Its my first relationship.
Weve been together 5 months.
Been through a couple of ups and downs and handled things well.
Her friends keep yapping about me, girls do that i know.
But they went behind my back and have been asking stuff thats none of their business and i talked to my gf about that, and she said it was no big deal.

Then it kept happening which kind of irritated me so i told her friends to stop, cuz they werent saying anything good, (they were telling her where we should be in our relationship and that i should be doing other things.Worst part is my gf is listening to them)...and one of her friends got mad at me and is most likely going to tell her im insecure obsessive controlling and bla bla bla.Even though all im asking for is a little curtosey...why are girls like this?

Anyways, how am i to deal with her friends directly so they shut up?

This is getting more than disrespectful, its not just girl talk.Its like they are evaluating me for her, even though from what i know of them they dont know too much about relationships themselves, they just think they do...a little thing i call sex-in-the-city syndrome.

Our Suggestion:
The simple answer is to make friends with her friends.

But that is easier said than done and could easily result in more grief than you have now.

Be sure to keep talking with your gf and stay on top of the "friends" problem. Don't harp on the subject, but mention it from time to time.

This is an age old problem. Too bad it had to happen on your first relationship.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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