I have cheated on the person I truly love

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Visitor's Question:
I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years. I truly love him... we've spoken about marriage and kids and have lived together in the past - we are (were) looking for a place to move into soon since he was getting ready to propose. My parents hate him however becuase he has been married in the past (with a woman that left him because she said she didnt love him - she said she never did she just loved him as a person and was used to him and she left him for another man)and they feel i could do so much better.
I love this man so much but i feel like i have been so confused as to whether my parents are right - so 2mos ago i started dating a guy that my parents encouraged and literally pushed on to me. They are talking about us getting married already. I thought maybe I was confused and my boyfriend was not right for me - but I told him everything - he knew something was up and he asked me and I told him everything!
I love him and I am definately sure now I want to marry him regardless of what anyone says - but I am afraid he doesnt want that anymore because I hurt him. He was very calm and he said he thought it might be a sign and he was my best friend and that he loved me with all his heart.

I dont know what else to do to let him know I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart!

Our Suggestion:
Tell him you love him with all your heart and that you still want to get married and have kids. Nothing could have more meaning than that and it also restates your regret over what you did.

You also need to explain to your family that they have already caused harm enough and that you are capable of choosing your own husband. This is important because they may continue their campaign if you don't shut them up.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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