mixed signals?!?!?!Suggest AdviceDo you have some advice for this person? Visitor's Question: ok i just started talking to this girl and its been about a month now, i like her a lot, in the halls when we pass each other she makes faces and smiles at me so i laugh and smile back, we also can talk pretty calmly to each other, later on i asked her if she wanted to do a duet for the school talent show and she said yes, now while we're praticing i can see likes me by her body language becuase she can't sit still and is always moving and is always facing me, as we're praticing a duet for our school talent show she asks me if im singing this song for my girlfriend, i say no and told her i broke up with her, in this practice there was 3 people me, her, and her friend from church, when they heard i broke up with her, her friend asked me where she was from and i said Minnesota, her friend then said that was liked a person from a really long distance too, then the girl i like flat out in front of me says she likes a person from colorado, we casually finish pratice that day and i just go home wondering, does she really like me or is she just acting nice becuase we both like music and in it for the fun? Our Suggestion: I think, by all you have mentioned, that your instincts are correct and she likes you. I am not certain where this mention of another guy might have come from. maybe she was feeling insecure at that moment. I'd carry on with the wooing. --Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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