I'm Cheating with my Boyfriend's Sister's Boyfriend

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Visitor's Question:
I have a boyfriend that I have been cheating on for, about the past two months. The thing is, it isn't just any guy i'm seeing, it's my boyfriend's sister's boyfriend. me and her used to be really tight, and now i can tell it's very different, and i'm sure she is suspecting things. But anyways, the guy i am cheating with, we will call him "John". John calls me almost everyday, and we talk for hours, we get along excellently, and we have so many things in common, we click on so many different levels. I have brought him over a few nights, and we would chill in my room and talk for a little bit, and then it lead to another thing, and we ended up having sex, which it was GREAT! John has told me several times that he loves me, and he wants to runaway together. But there is something, here lately, that has been holding me back from wanting to see him. I'm not sure if it's the whole fact of hurting my boyfriend, upsetting their family for doing this, if they ever found out, or if i am just not as interested in him now, then what i used to be. But i do feel very strongly for him, so i am totally confused. Or another thing it may be is that i never really think that we can ever truly be together, so that may be holding me back..I am so CONFUSED! PLEASE help me as well as u can!

Our Suggestion:
It's common to get interested in the friends of friends. You all have common interests, you spend time together. However you should NEVER go sleeping around with them! You are exposing your boyfriend to sexual diseases. You could easily get pregnant with this other guy even if you are using protection. No protection is 100% foolproof. Then you're going to have to tell your boyfriend "well I don't know who the daddy is".

If you like this other guy, then BREAK UP with your boyfriend and give it a try with the other guy. But you can't have everything. When your boyfriend finds out (and believe me, people ALWAYS find out somehow) he is going to have his entire life ruined. You are going to destroy his ability to trust girls - maybe for years, maybe for life. He doesn't deserve that. Either stop cheating, or break up with him. He deserves someone that is loyal to him. If you can't be that, then stop making him stay with you under false pretenses.

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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