all she thinks about is this guy from another school

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Visitor's Question:
Ok so this girl i liked since 7th grade is really close to me now as a friend. she doesnt kno that i am madly in lave with her because all she thinks about is this guy from another school. Iv asked this site some questions and told myself to keep trying but today i found out that the other guy also loves her and right now im hurt. Im not sure if this is the right thing to do but iv decided that theres no hope left. i want her to be happy and if shes happy with this guy then i wont stand in their way. Of course this isnt wat i want to do so thats why i need ur help. should i keep trying with this small and unlikely chance or give her room and let her be with this guy? HELP!

Our Suggestion:
Since the feelings are mutual between them, I think I agree with you that there's little chance right now that she'll suddenly turn to you. But that doesn't mean you can't be friends with her. Stay friendly, but turn your attention to someone else who is available. It'll take a bit to get over your feelings for this first girl, but slowly it will happen.

Get yourself involved with other activities so that you don't think about her all the time. Get friendships going that keep you busy. Keep yourself occupied so that the thought of her doesn't dominate your life. Sooner or later you'll feel nostalgic about her but not love-lorn.

I wish you the best!

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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