He called me a Bitch.

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Visitor's Question:
Okay me and this guy xxxx broke up about 3 months ago and i don't know why we broke up he had just told me a week before we broke up that No matter what other people say about our relationship I still Love you. Okay and then all of a sudden one day i called him from work and he was all rude to me and so i hung the phone up and i didn't go to his house and every night after work i would go to his house and stay the night their or stay their till he went to sleep instead i went straight home after work and i called him when i got to my house and was like "i was just calling you to let you know that i was home" and he said " why didn't you come over here" and then i said " because i'm really tired and he could tell that i was mad because we were kinda agruing on the phone for like 2mins.. And so after that he was like "whatever" and he said i don't understand why you didn't come over here i know you are probably mad but i'm sorry and i was just like well i gotta go i'm really tired i'll call you tomorrow. Then he said, Okay and i was like well you don't have to be so rude about everything i say. So, then he was like well you are so bitchy all the time and i took it as he called me a Bitch. So, then i was like okay so your calling me a bitch and i was like okay well i really will talk to you tomorrow and he was like see your acting like one now and so i hung the phone up on him and then he called back saying "see this is the shit i'm talking about you hanging up on me is soo childish and if your going to be like that then we just don't need to be together" so, i was like well lets just get off the phone and sleep on everything and talk tomorrow. Well, we did sleep on it and so i tried calling him the next day and when i did he was like " I don't feel like talking you right now and he said also you act like nothing even happened last night" and i did try to blow it off and maybe we would have gotten over it, but he didn't and so if he didn't then i didn't.And then we hung the phone up because he didn't want to talk to me and i was upset that i didn't get to see him or talk to him. So, then i tried calling the next day on a sunday and we talked then because i was like i really would like to know what's going to go on between us. He was like i don't like the fact over the past year we've been together off and on that you have hung up on me 4 times and that you act very childish about things. And everytime we've gotten back together it hasn't been the right way, but he is the one always saying sorry i want to be back with you, and i'm friends with his brother and sister so i was always over their. Well,then we broke it off. And i haven't talked to him in like 2 in half months after we broke up and then i called him asking him to fix something for me because their was no one else to fix it but him at the time and when i called him he was like i don't have time for that and referred me to go to a store. So, then after that i had put the $100 watch he had bought me on his car at work and i haven't talked to him since. And now i've been hanging out with his best friend ever now and then. I want to be back with him sooo bad and i don't know how to go back with him or if i should get back with him. Everybody says not to get back with him but i'm in love with him and i can't take it anymore being away from him. WHAT DO I DO? HELP ME PLEASE!!!

Our Suggestion:
First off, I could barely understand what you wrote so I'm sorry if my answer isn't exactly to what you were asking.

Secondly, it seems like there needs to be some adult repsonisiblity taken for actions and conversations within your situation. If you can look at what is going on clearly and then act on it (if action is required) rationally, you may be able to get him back.

Remember the old adage: You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

That being said, don't compromise your feelings or yourself either. Compromise your behaviors until it seems one sided. Then move on.

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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