I Got Drunk, Fell Asleep with Another Girl

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Visitor's Question:
After a bout of drinking, I fell asleep in the same bed as a girl my girlfriend hates. Nothing happened, but my girlfriend was furious, and quoting "What is Cheating?" from this site, broke up with me.

I have always been completely devoted to her, and she is my main priority. I love to do little things to make her happy, just because it's for her. I have offered to give her time to cool down and re-assess our relationship, but she feels the damage is too great. I understand that what I did was wrong (and tacky), but I also think that she is not cutting me any slack. Could this be put back together?

Our Suggestion:
I do have to say that if you were behaving with a respectful manner that getting drunk in a strange girl's house to the point that you're asleep on her bed with her isn't very reasonable. I can tell you that I can ask pretty much any 20 women that I want and if they heard that their guy just "happened" to get so drunk that he slept over at an enemy woman's house, they would be furious. When you think about the "men of honor" in the world, it's not something they would ever do.

Still, everyone does make mistakes in life and if you are truly and seriously honest about wanting to get back with her, go to couples' therapy with her. Apologize, say you've learned your lesson about getting drunk in strange places and work to rebuild her trust. It won't be easy, but it can be done if you both work hard at it.

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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