Is he cheating?

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Visitor's Question:
I have been with my boyfriend for over a year. However, in the beginning he cheated on me and I found out a couple of months ago. when i confronted him, he began to tear, and said he really regreted it. I still don't trust him, and everything about him seems to make me feel like he is doing it again. I love him very much and he tells me he feels the same way. However I go through alot of pain and I suffer just from thinking that he is cheating. Most of the time i deny my suspicions and when i talk to him he says he wouldn't every do anything to hurt me. however he already did before. i want to trust my instincts, but i also don't want to make a mistake in losing someone that maybe in fact very truthful. (although he seems too good to be true) IS there anyway i can find out for sure if hes cheating? any specific signs? I really dont want to waste my time feeling uneasy, but i also want to be sure im with someone who treats me the way i deserve to be treated. PLEASE HELP! THANK YOU!

Our Suggestion:
Clues to cheating might include: unexplained absences, phone is busy a lot, evasive answers when asked direct questions, or just seeming untrustworthy.

Your best bet is to keep very open lines of communication with him. Tell him of your worries and if he responds openly and sincerely you will begin to trust him more. Ask for his advice about how to deal with your insecurities.

See our tips about cheating at:
and also at:

Reestablishing trust is hard to do and takes a lot of work on both sides. With caring discussion, eventually trust will return.

Good luck,

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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