Love spells?

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Visitor's Question:
hi thank you for geting back to me. you said i should write her a letter and get her some thing at this point i dont know what to get her. i have got her some thing small but i donno. i have not seein her in month or a little more. i been missing her phone calls and she been missing mine. it seems we both are not talking to each other on perpess she is not the time who will lose sleep over some one. yet i am losing sleep over her and let me just say i feel like a big loser wanting a girl back after 8 months. do you have any tips on what i should get her? and you said write a note i have no clue what to say? i know this is a strange questoin. but do you know any thing about love spells? if you can please get back to me

thank you

Our Suggestion:
Whatever you write her has to come from your heart. Just tell her the truth since honesty is so important in a relationship. It is not easy, very few people are poets, but all you need to do is be honest. Same with the present, buy something you think she will like... like a sweater.

Good luck,

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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