every time i talk to him i feel like my insides are ripping apart

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Visitor's Question:
well when i was freshman at my high school my friend intod me to her exboyfriend (which was a senoir) well we talk in school and then i asked if he wanted to tag along on taking my younger sisters trick or treating and he said yes, well we had an awsome time together and my family loved him. that night we hung out in my room and watched tv we took a little on my bed (nothing more) and then he had to leave but before he did he asked if i would be his gf i said yes. so over the coure of 2 and half years we broke up eight x's becasue of family and school resons and 1 cheating reason. but weve been apart for a while (months) and we still talk on the phone but every time i talkto him i feel lie my insides are ripping apart because i love him so much,he was the only that stuck by my side during my depression and he said we could back when i turn 18 (hes 21) (im 17 until sept.)but my question is do you think i should take the time and wait till he asks me back out , should i ask him back out or should i just move on?

Our Suggestion:
You are in a good position.

You two are still talking on the phone regularly and sharing your thoughts and feelings. That is very important.

Then he said you could out together again in four months. That seems like a reasonable thing for you to deal with.

Your relationship has lasted a long time and it probably will continue to last.

I wish you well,

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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