She's Always with her Friends

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Visitor's Question:
hi theres a girl that i like at school, she is a year below me. I want to get talking to her but she is always with one or two friends. Im not totally confident so approching her is kind of hard. A boy i kind of know is often with her and her friend . (do u think he could help)

Our Suggestion:
I'd be careful of enlisting the help of others, it can backfire and even get him interested in her while he is supposedly "helping you". It's usually best to deal with these sorts of things on your own, since the whole aim is to make a personal connection between YOU and HER.

I can understand completely that going up against a group is hard. It's also not the best way to talk to someone, because now she has an "audience" and might not act the same way she would if it was just you two. So I'd watch for chances to catch her alone. She must be alone SOME times! While you're waiting for those opportunities, also make small attempts to get yourself more known to her. Say "hi" when you go past, each time. You're slowly working your way into being part of her world, and want her to think of you as a normal, friendly, reliable person that always thinks of her. That way when you do find those times alone with her to say more than just hi, she has good feelings about you already.

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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