Is he just around for a booty call or does has he realized he gave up a good thing

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Visitor's Question:
Approx. two years ago a great guy contacted me on a dating site I was on. We dated for about 2-3 months and he went away for the summer traveling and we lost contact.
Although we never commited to eachother as boy/girlfriend we did have sex and enjoyed eachothers company.

I ran into him last summer at a mall and we hugged and went out seperate ways.
A few months after I saw him he asked out a really good friend of mine(which he had met a few times in when we were dating) she refused.

Now after nearly a year since he saw me he has contacted me.
When I asked him why now, he said he had moved away for 8 months to clear his mind and his life.
We hung out last night and he acted as if we never were seperated. He looks great but I don't want to sleep with him or any guy unless I get a comittment. Is he just around for a booty call or does has he realized he gave up a good thing and wants to restart our relaionship?

Our Suggestion:
This is a tough one and I'm sorry you are in this situation.

I don't have nearly enough information to try to figure out what's going on in his mind. Either of your suggestions could be true. The way to find out is to have a close, honest talk with him and hope he is truthful with you.

That's the best you can hope for!

Good luck,

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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