I am really in love with her and want to tell her

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Visitor's Question:
Well it was love at first sight 3 years ago at camp. Since then we became friends and I call her quite often. I asked her if she had a boyfriend and she said yes, but she never spoke of this before or after that, and I am really in love with her and want to tell her, but I dont know if she loves me, how and when should I ask her? Oh, and she is a year older then me so that makes this a bit more awkward for me.

Our Suggestion:
It's not a good idea to drop a bomb on a girl by telling her you love her.

A better idea is to say that you have "started to develop feelings" for her. She will understand that means you are attracted to her and would like to get closer to you. And, it also gives her space to answer by telling you whether she has feelings for you or not. If she doesn't say, ask her.

Then, you will know where you stand and can make plans accordingly.

Easy does it is the way.

Good luck!

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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