i was left waiting alone in the apartment, and the latest she'll arrive home would be 5am

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Visitor's Question:
me and my ex broke up just last week, we were together for over 2 years and 10 mos and living together for almost a year now. before the break up, we were doing fine as like usual, i was busy at work and she was busy in school and just see each other whn i get home. but then, for the past days she always went to 'gimicks' clubs w/friends and getting home drunk and come home late while i was left waiting alone in the aprtment, and the latest she'll arive home would be 5am. i got jealous of her friends and became moody...i was not sending her a message and not talking much to her whn she was around in our aprtment...then i sent her a message abt our monthsary getting near and how i wish we could spend some time alone plus the fact i was to leave the country for 3 days and won't see each other...she did not get the entire message then whn we were alone in our room, i sort of like chicknd out and told her it was nothing whn i was asked about the message i sent her...she got mad and went out w/o telling me where she was heading...the next day we talk about it and told me that she was falling out of love and i asked her why and told me that it was the same reason whn she fell in love with me, she didn't known until she added that i was not being friendly with her friends whn they were around, i told her that i was not the typ of person who talks a lot. and told me too that i was being strict...i told her that i could not help worry whn she is out. then told her il chnge but told me it was too late. she asked for freedom to do all things and told me she needed some time to think. she told me then that she was not breaking up yet coz she still loves me but not like before. until she brought a friend over to the aprtment and somewhat i got jealous and got paranoid, i confronted her and asked if they had a relationship, she told me i was just being paranoid and what i was thinking were not true. i couldnt help seeing everything so just let it past even she is not talking to me...till i confronted her and ask to tell me the truth than leaving me hanging w/o any answer if she still loves me or has chnged. she admitedly told me that she no longer loves me and did not tell the truth on the 1st place coz she does not like to hurt me. she also added that she was feeling this evn b4 and just wanted to make sure of her feelings. she ended our conversation telling that we shld just stay friends.

but am really having dfclty in just being friends since we're both still living on the same aprtment, her family is in Italy and mine is in Chicago and all we really have is each other. i love her so much and don't want to lose her. please help, don't know what to do

Our Suggestion:
Do what she suggests and remain friends.

Not only that, try to be her best friend. This is what might bring her back to you. Treat her as nicely as you can, take an interest in what she is doing and don't be judgemental. Be just like a good friend.

You stand a good chance of keeping her if you follow this advice. She will get tired of having late nights and then feel she wants to return to the warm, loving, security of you.

Good luck!

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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