I went to the park and flashed one of his friends

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Visitor's Question:
Hi my name is j* and 2 days ago me and my boyfriend just broke up because he found out that 2 days before I went to the park and flashed on of his friends he completely ignored anything I had to say I'm in highschool and I see him everyday he doenst even talk to me and what makes it worse is that my friends hang around him alot and its hard not to speak to him cause he never says anything to me he doesnt really even look at me and he called me lastnight but I was sleeping and I didnt answer the phone now way do I do I really wont him back because I really miss him he was my everything and no matter how much I try to get over him I cant I just need him back into my life again so wat do I do because each and everyday is getting harder and harder I really really need some feed back cause I'm about to go crazy.

Our Suggestion:
Give him a chance to get over the shock and then call him and ask if you can talk with.

The only way you can get him back is to become friends with him again and hope that feelings come out of the closeness.

Good luck!

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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