because he basically broke my heart, i have pulled back

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Visitor's Question:
I had been seeing this guy for about 6 months though for some of that school was out, and we lived 12hrs apart. I moved back, and after about a week i still hadnt seen him, but tuesday he msn messaged me like we always do, and suggested a movie, so we went, and when we got back to campus, he told me that after seeing a bunch of his buddies get married over the summer, that he cant handle any kind of commitment like that. (which is fine, i cant either.) but that he doesnt want to be in a relationship anymore, and we can still hangout and messenger and such. So we still talk and stuff, the only thing thats changed is that the sex has stopped, and because he basically broke my heart, i have pulled back, and he get to decide when he wants to talk and such. and other than the fact that i still love him and it hurts so bad not to be with him when he is still that close, things are fairly normal. So if thats all thats changed, is there a chance that he will get more comfortable again, and let me back into his life as more than a friend? and what should i do about having to see him and talk to him nearly everyday? because we agreed to keep our relationship out of the classrooms, not many of our classmates know, and so its hard to pretend nothing is wrong, when it makes me want to cry that i cant be close to him.

Our Suggestion:
Have you told him that you still love him?

He might not realize it. So let him know you care.

Don't stop calling him and start initiating activities... this will make him feel more comfortable in the relationship.

It may do no good, but you will feel better that you tried.

Good luck!

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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