My boyfriend just broke up with me and the same day started dating someone else.

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Visitor's Question:
My boyfriend just broke up with me and the same day started dating someone else. But when we see each other we say hi. We are kind of friends. But I still like him, but I don't know if he likes me does he have any feelings left for me we dated for two month. That should mean something. I am so hert. I will not cry but I feel horible every time I see him and I will see him because we go to the same school. Then I start to think about him and to miss him. I'm not even shure why we broke up. I tyed to make him jelous by dating his best friend that I absolutly hate and I don't think that it worked so I broke with him like less then one day because he new that we we dating. I really like him and I don't know what should I so. What other ways can I make him jelous and how can I jet over hij and find out if he still might care about me and find out why we broke up.

Our Suggestion:
The way to try to get your ex-boyfriend back is to become a good friend of his.

The way you tried is not good. It is based on dishonesty when you try to make him jealous.

Call your ex once a week to see how he is doing, to let him know you care, and to maintain contact with him. Don't talk about your relationship unless he brings it up. Be cheerful and limit the call to 15 mins.

Be a good friend to him by listening to him, sharing feelings, and being there for him.

For more ideas on getting him back, see:

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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