It turns out she had been dating a guy long distance

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Visitor's Question:
I began dating a woman and quickly we knew we had alot in common. Our chemistry was awesome. She told me early on she had some "unfinished business" and was dating someone else. It turns out she had been dating a guy long distance. After about a month of seeing each other very passionately, and then a few days of illusiveness on her part, she got together with me one afternoon crying and told me a.) she was in love with her boyfriend and b.)pregnant by me. We had used condoms but one broke.
She chose to get an abortion and I supported her and helped pay half of the proceedure.

Since then, I have told her that I love her, and she has told me the same, but that she is with her boyfriend by choice and "in love" with him.
Yet, she still calls me, talks to me, and wants me to get together with her pretty frequently (although at times she says she shouldn't be). She also touches me and we have had some very passionate kissing sessions break out since that time.
What do you make of this? I want to be with her and have told her this, but I also don't want to push her away (though I have told her I can't "just be her friend"), and I know I should date others and "move on" but my heart isn't in it. What I REALLY want is for us to be together.
How do I best set the stage for this and not screw it up?


Our Suggestion:
Although I normally don't condone something that might break up an existing romance... in this case she has already taken those steps.

My advice is to continue doing what you have been doing with her recently. Eventually she will have to make a decision and she will probably take the old adage "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." In other words since you are close the other guy will be dropped.

I hope this works out for you! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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