Very nice man in my once-a-week bagpipe class

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Visitor's Question:
There is this very nice man in my once-a-week bagpipe class, who I believe is ideal for me. I get along very well with everybody else in the class, in a friendly, non-sexual way but should I even broach the question of asking him out? I've met some members of his family at the annual bag pipers pic-nic, and hagis parties and they seem really sweet and friendly, like him. Should I ask a member of his family about him? Am I clutching at straws with an apparent case of lonliness? Should I stop this infatuation? Could this destroy our weekly bag piping lessons?

Our Suggestion:
I don't believe that you can spoil your bagpiping lessons.

So nothing ventured, nothing gained-- ask him out as soon as possible.

I wouldn't advise asking his family members for information since that might put him off.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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