He said we're not done forever

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Visitor's Question:
I had a talk with my ex today.
If he was willing to try, we could work.
But he doesn't want to try. Because he says the cycle of us breaking up and getting back together will repeat itself.
This time though, tis different. I have thought things and realized things, and goddamnit, I love him.

He told me, "We're gonna be best friends! We're so awesome!"
He said, "I just need some time....time to do whatever, not worry about stuff, and just relax."
He said we're not done forever, and there's chances of us getting back together in the future. He told me he doesn't want to think too far into the coming months, and he doesn't want time limits. I nodded in understanding agreement. He basically told me he wants time to be single and really enjoy himself (drinking/smoking/etc).
I think with us being friends and growing closer and when he knows that I'll accept him no matter what.....it'll happen.

What do I do in the meantime? And how long do I wait? He graduates high school in June!

Our Suggestion:
You don't have much choice but to wait until he comes back.

I think you are right that he will come back to you after you show him how supportive you are.

It's hard to estimate how much time. If it doesn't work by the time he graduates, maybe it would be time to quit.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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