Love & Romance in France @ RomanceClass:
French Wedding Traditions
Before the Wedding
Brides would take long, fragrant baths on the morning of their weddings. These baths were supposed to purify them for the wedding, and wash away all thoughts of previous lives or loves.
The groom in France is very involved in the wedding. After all, French men idolize their women. The man wants to make sure everything is perfect when he joins with her in front of all of his friends and family.
On the morning of the wedding, there is none of this "hiding of the bride". The groom shows up at the home of the bride to spend the final house with his new family. He escorts his fiance to the church, while local children bar the way with white ribbons. The bride cuts her way through them, showing her willing intention to go with him.
At the church, the groom escorts his own mother down the isle before the bride, again showing his love for both women in his life.
The Ceremony
French are very religious, and are of many religions. Each religion follows its own traditions for the actual ceremony, although all involve many flowers. All also ended with a kiss!
Ending the Ceremony
Laurels were a symbol of success and victory. The newly married couple would often walk down an aisle of laurels when they had completed their final kiss. The church bells would ring loudly to herald to the world the new couple's entrance. Often seed or bread was thrown over the couple to symbolize wealth and fertility.
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