Thanks for the words of advice, and there have been a few more happenings between us and some unexpected news from a friend. 1. Last night after work, we were both waiting for our rides home, we were just chatting, and her lift home arrived, and we said goodbye. She then came towards me in the manner for a kiss on the cheek, which I did. It's the first time this has happened between us. 2. Tonight during work, she hugged me from behind unexpectedly, after she hugged another guy after he apologised to her for calling her fat. They are friends anyway. Also on a previous occasion, a manager has commented on how the girl I like is fat/ put on weight, and I was having words with the manger about saying things like that. She (the one I like) thanked me afterwards for standing up with her about it. She is definitely not fat, according to other staff, so I’m not being biased because of my feelings for her 3. Also during work tonight, she did the thing again where she comes up and just rests her head on my head/neck/shoulder area. 4. Tonight I was training the girl and asked if she was confident enough or would she prefer to receive a bit more training. She said she would like a bit more training, but only if it was me training her. I'm thinking that this one is a pretty good sign/signal. In our store, there are only 3 people at the front, myself, her and a door greater who is about 20 meters/yards away from us, so we do have a bit of privacy from other staff in other departments. 5. I have on previous occasion asked, if she wanted to come with me and my friends to a movie/lunch, and that she could bring her friends if she wanted, but she declined the invitation, because her family was having lunch with some friends. 6. This one really got my attention. A work friend of mine told me that he asked the girl out for coffee, he told me that they would make a plan/plan to go after her final school exams, so it's not set in stone yet. I told him that I was surprised, and told him how I felt about the girl. He apologised for "stepping on my toes" and that he had no idea that I like her. I mentioned that it is only him and my best mate at work who knows, and that I’ve had these feelings for about 2-3 months Anyway we both came to a gentlemen’s agreement where would not harm/sabotage each other. So do you think I should ask her out for Coffee, lunch or dinner, considering the extra information? Once again thanks for the advice. P.S. I think I’m over-analysing the whole situation