I'm 25 and have fallen for an older married woman

Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male
I'm 25 and have fallen for an older married woman. She even has 2 daughters just 4 years younger than me. But it's not the age that is hard, its the being married. For last 4 months we've been sneaking around just to be with eachother. We have even been intimate on many occasions. I tell her I lover her and I do...but she never tells me in return. She however admits she still loves her husband. How can you love your husband and be cheating on him? The longer this goes on the closer we get and harder it becomes. I've never known a love like this and fear I may never again but I don't know what to do, what she is doing?

RomanceClass.com Advice
She is having her cake and eating it to.

As much as you love her, it is time to tell her goodbye.

She loves her husband and, obviously, her family. For whatever reason, probably excitement and lust, she has been having an affair with you.

Do her and yourself a favor and stop seeing her before it gets out and potentially ruins a perfectly good family.

If you love her, you will do it for her sake.

Good luck!

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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