Rules and Regulations - RomanceClass Romance Tips Forum

Forum Basics
The ability to post messages on the RomanceClass Forum System is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. We are doing our very best to provide a friendly, fun, helpful forum for people to discuss their interests and get assistance with questions. Membership is granted provisionally to any requestor aged 13 or older, with the requirement that that individual abides by our rules. We will remove the privilege to post from any forum member who is found to violate our stated rules.

Reporting Instructions
The RomanceClass forum system has one three moderators - Lisa Shea. This individuals has a full time job. Moderation of these forums therefore is done for limited hours each day, on our schedule. We only moderate posts that violate one of the below rules. We are not here to referee arguments or to remove points of view that a given person disagrees with. If you wish to make a request for a post edit / delete, the steps you must take are:

* Click the "report post" icon on the post which violates one of the below rules
* State in the comment box which rule it violates
* Be patient

We will not necessarily get to that post immediately. You will need to be patient. The moderators make the final ruling on whether a given posting fits our rules or not. If the post is in violation, the poster will get a single warning about their behavior. If the poster continues to violate our rules, they will have their posting rights revoked.

Note that there is no excuse accepted for any rule violation. If someone else made you angry and you "could not help yourself" in the way you responded, then you are not mature enough to handle the responsibility of posting privileges.

Rules of Conduct on the Forum
Obscene words are automatically blocked by the forum system. Anyone who uses punctuation or other techniques to get around our ban is in blatant violation of our clean language rule.

There is never an excuse for verbally assaulting another person in our forum. This is known as Cyber-Bullying; it is emotional abuse and will not be tolerated. You can disagree maturely with a given topic, for example wing clipping vs non-wing clipping. If you must resort to attacking the individual personally to make your point, then you have already conceded defeat on the issue. This includes private messages.

Some members enjoy posting a ton of junk / meaningless posts. These posts fill up the boards and make it more difficult for members to read actual, helpful information in our forums. Many of our members are on dial-up lines and are paying a lot of money per-minute to scroll through our pages. Filling our forums with junk postings actively takes money from those individuals.

Hopefully the reason for this should be crystal clear for anyone who uses the internet. The potential for abuse is incredible. Besides identity theft and stalking issues, there is the situation where a person posts ANOTHER person's information in order to cause trouble for them. There is no way we could possibly verify that the information posted actually belongs to the user who posted the information. This includes personal photos, email addresses, phone numbers, home address, city, state, school, and so on.

We have members from around the world on our forums. Many do not speak English well. Please be tolerant of non-English speakers. Also, please try to write as clearly as you can, without relying on "text speak" or abbreviations. This will help make sure all of our forum members can understand you. We understand that, in your private world, you may have great fun using LOL and LMAO and WTG. This is fun for your friends, but greatly confusing to someone from China or Russia. We understand it might be a challenge to train yourself not to type "u" instead of "you" or "enuf" instead of "enough". Please make that effort so that the forums can answer the questions of our millions of visitors who do not speak English as their first language.

This can be a challenging issue for posters to navigate. Using an upper case word infrequently for emphasis is read by visitors as putting stress on one word. So for example in the above material we state "Note that there is NO excuse accepted for any rule violation." That one word is emphasized so that it stands out in the mind of the reader. A person reading that would not assume that the phrase was being shouted, since only one word was emphasized. However, if someone posted "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A GENIUS TO REALIZE THAT - YEAH ASK STUPID QUESTIONS AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS" - not only is it clearly shouting but it is rude and disrespectful as well. This type of post is not condoned in our supportive community.

These rules will be updated regularly - a posting will be made in the forum each time the rules are updated. All forum members are required to abide by these rules in order to maintain a post-capable account in the forum. Any questions about these rules should be directed to the site owner, Lisa Shea.

Forum Rules and Regulations
Problems Creating an Account or Logging In
Creating an Appropriate Signature
Avatar Guidelines
Creating an Appropriate Avatar
How to Post Forum Photos
Plagiarism - posting an image or words you did not create / write
Contest Definitions and Rules
Posting Under the age of 13
Freedom of Speech and Forum Rules

RomanceClass Forum Rules Main Page