Jealousy / Envy -
Personal Advice from RomanceClass
Jealousy has been around since the days of the Bible and before. Read through ancient stories to hear how jealous husbands killed their faithful wives, jealous girlfriends broke the hearts of boyfriends. Jealousy destroys millions of relationships every year. It can seem like a "harmless vice" - but it is like water torture. It goes drip-drip-drip and eventually it drives you two apart. It's important to realize how dangerous jealousy can be, and to take steps to address it.
There are thousands of tips online that have been proven to handle jealousy. Like I said, jealousy isn't anything new. It's been around for thousands of years. We know how to beat jealousy. It's up to you to read how to do it - and to put those steps into action.
Make sure you have studied and understand these tips, and have practiced them. If you have read these tips, have tried to implement them and are still having problems with a specific situation, then move on to: