I agree with everything PDM said. If I might just offer some food for thought. Please don't feel I have an agenda to talk you out of your conclusions. It doesn't matter how long it has taken you to come to them. It doesn't matter whether they are ones you will believe your whole life. It only matters if they are true.

You did say, however, that you "found out about a month ago, every since you made out with your best friend at a party"
I realize you would not have begun to tell your closest friends if you didn't think you were pretty sure. It seems that living with the experience for just a month isn't a very long time. The human body and psychy can enjoy the experience of "makeing out" without necessarily choosing that to be what you are sexually attracted too. You may even enjoy the experience with males also and that may not be your sexual predisposition. Many humans have sexual experiences that are exciting and stimulating and cause the mind to dwell on it to the exclusion of other similiar experiences simply because it is tasting of the "forbidden fruit" so to speak. In some of society today, it even seems to be a statis symbol to have sampled "lesbian" or "bisexual" experiences. There is the erotic pressure from men to see their ladies in a three way with another women. There are celebrities freely flaunting relationships with same sex friends. Erotic feelings associated with something new and sexual should not be confused with your sexual orientation. Most people who come to a decision about their sexual orientation, think on it and experience more than one interlude. They take their life experiences up to that point and the new experience and give themselve time to determine exactly what is occuring. The fact that you did not contemplate more than one month after this party is concerning. You also felt compeled to tell your closest friends even though you felt they might not accept you afterward. You are probably a free spirit who walks to no man's drum beat. I wonder if this has influenced your decision at all. Usually, shocking friends is not part of making a life altering decision and then a life altering revelation. This is not like deciding you look good in red and showing off your new low cut gown. What you reveal today, you may have to live up to or down depending on the unforseeable future. I am not trying to say that shocking your friends was your reason. But if "shock" wasn't a part of it, why tell them your most private information so soon. I am sure you have had relationships that have lasted longer than a month. Yet in one month, you have figured out everything about the most complicated aspect of human psychy and phisiology for yourself. Haveing stated how commplicated it can be, even if you are right and content, it never hurts to speak with professionals who are trained to determine if you indeed are right. It might save you and someone else a lot of heartache in the long run. There have been a lot of people who have been in short term or long term relationships who suddenly said, "Maybe this isn't what is meant for me". No man or woman is an island, and we all touch each other for better or worse. I am sure you would not want to disappoint or hurt anyone unintentionally including yourself.

Cookie and Sweetie